That was… Never mind, it’s done. And I wouldn’t be able to do it that fast without the tremendous help of TKundNobody, who prepared a large and ugly excel sheet with all(!) pilot names, and skills, and box titles and more, so I could save a couple of hours work. Thanks a lot, buddy!
No fancy photo this time, as I don’t have the time at the moment to build 39(!) GearBoxes just to cover SWZ08, the Scum conversion kit. Yes, that’s quite a lot, but there are lots of tokens and stuff inside the kit.
I decided to build one box for each dial included in the kit, the pilots are spread somewhat equally around the boxes of the same ship type. This way you have room to store an additional base and peg, as usual.
I’m almost certain that there will be little bugs because of the sheer amount of print sheets, please don’t be mad, just tell me and I’ll see to it.
Happy crafting,
any idea on when you might get to the Imperial core expansion?
No, sorry, no eta. It’s on my mind, but that’s it. Job and family are keeping me very busy.