Thanks for your patience and your kind words of understanding, I have been away for far too long. Very sorry, but I’ve been really busy with other issues and had to pause almost completely. But: The line must be drawn here. This far, no further. Enough rest and enough quoting Star Trek, I welcome you all to my brand new website, which ate up the meager remains of my free time in the past months!
You won’t find new stuff around, but now that the relaunch is complete, I will concentrate on changing this, even though I’ll have to go at a somewhat slower pace than before. Really sorry, but after all this is just a hobby. A loved one, but not my real job that pays the bills. But at least I can promise you all that I don’t intend to quit!
As you can see I’ve added Descent to my portfolio. You’ll find nothing more there than a fancy “Coming soon” sign. Take it as a teaser. You might find this sign in other places, just be patient a little longer.
That’s it for now, I’m really happy that you stayed with me and now feel free to look around! I really did my best (with the help of Theron “Wichenstaden”, thanks a BUNCH!) to arrange everything more clearly without crowding the layout. I hope I did it.
P.S.: I had so many mails, comments and posts in the past months that I’m almost certain that I forgot to answer some of them. Please don’t be offended, it was simply too much, feel free to contact me again!
P.P.S.: Meine liebe deutschen Fans, ihr seid nicht zu dämlich, den Umschalter für die deutsche Version zu finden, der ist schlicht nicht da. Noch nicht. Die deutsche Version werde ich möglichst bald nachreichen!
And thanks again for the great work you do.
Thank you, you’re welcome! 🙂
Hi Sir Willi,
Quick note to let you know I’ve found an error on the website:
When you try to download “X-Wing GearBoxes v4.0 (Rebels) ENG PNG”, it actually downloads the Imperial Gearboxes – I think the link might be wrong.
Other than that, I love what you’ve done with the place.
Oops, well spotted, fixed it!
Congratulations Sir Willi for this nice and efficient evolution !
So glad to have news and to see how you clairifed lots of thing to be more easy for use to use.
I searched the pilots cards boxes and I think you did not downloed this. May be because you prepare a special collector box for this too (and its a good idea as I use the collector box for xwing modifications !)
But may be you can still let it at disposal, specially the boxes you made for tournaments (for each faction and généric, for both pilots and modifications) because it can be very useful too.
I’ll be happy to see what you will soon propose to us !
The pilot cards boxes are nearly done, hope to have time tomorrow…
Thanks for your nice words!
Great work Willi, so now Star Wars Destiny is out, how you looking for some new storage ideas for managing this great new game (cards, dice and tokens)? The game get thumbs up from me nice and quick with some interesting strategy and game mechanics involved.
Still waiting for my own Destiny copy, will give it a thought, for sure…