And me again,
managed to get another one done, the MicroHangars and GearBoxes have been updated and now include the Guns for Hire expansion. As usual you can simply download the …ADD files if you’re only interested in the new boxes. No picture this time, but the boxes have the same measurements as the already available standard StarViper and Kihraxz MicroHangars.
Have fun,
Sir Willi
EDIT: French version available!
Thanks SirWilli!
Hi SirWilli,
Any chance the Wave 12/13 Hangars and Gar Boxes are coming soon?
Also, thankyou for all of your fantasitic work so far
You’re welcome! 🙂
Yes, already started on the TIE Silencer, Kimogila and Phantom II, don’t have the other two, yet… But working at a slow pace, not much free time.