Have fun,
X-Wing MiniManeuverCards: Wave 11 update!
The MiniManeuverCards have been updated to v7.0, now containing wave 11 and the C-ROC. I ran out of free space on the print sheets, therefore I’ve added a fifth column. The remaining border is quite small, if you encounter problems when printing (my printer had no problems) please let me know. I can rearrange everything but I’d rather not do it if it’s not necessary because that would mean some time-consuming and dumb click work…
Hi Willi, thank you for the update, much appreciated. This came handy a couple of times π
Just wanted to point out a little typo – you missed the “c” in Auzituck Gunship. Will you be also updating the pilot cards for wave 11 ships?
Well spotted, v7.1 up! Thanks! π
More updates will follow (PilotCards, …)!
Will you be doing minihangars and gearboxes for Wave 11 soon? I just bought the TIE Aggressor and Auzituck Gunship and am eager to give them the same top-notch accommodations you’ve given my other ships! Thanks!
Already started, prototypes are done, just need to finish the artwork. Little short on time, at the moment. But I hope it’s only a matter of days!