Hi everybody,
ok, this might become a big one… As some of you might remember, in the past you could download some of my files in additional languages (french, italian, spanish). I was very happy to provide the local communities with translated stuff, but despite my mostly automated workflow it has been a real pain to add these, the process was quite time consuming and sometimes it was very hard to reach the person responsible for the translation when I needed help to abbreviate something, for example.
Recently I came up with a new idea how to handle this problem with – hopefully – significantly less hassle on my side. And thanks to the terrific work of my german buddy Martin “TKundNobody” (honestly, thank you!), who provided me with an awesome Excel script, I am now ready for a full-scale beta test of my idea.
And for this, I need your help. Help from everybody who is interested in a localized version of my stuff and who feels capable of translatinge (some of) the relevant phrases from english to his or her native language. Since this might be a time consuming task, as well, one part of my idea is to use the collective intelligence of all my fans, rather than relying on a single person. Whoever feels like translating everything or even only a little bit can access my language file and add the appropriate translations. When a given language is complete, I simply use my new Excel script that will replace all text phrases with those from the language file, and Photoshop will automatically create a new language version.
Sounds easy? Yes, that’s what I thought, but who knows. Martin and I are done alpha testing and I think it’s time to give you a go! For now, I have only prepared the language file for the X-wing MicroHangars, but adding further stuff from my page won’t be a problem, it’s quite easy. But I’d like to see if everything works as intended.
If you’re willing to help, take a look at the language file, carefully read the instructions within and start translating! Feel free to add new column for your language, for now there are only english and german…
The file can be found here.
Have fun and let me know if you encounter any problems!